Submission guidelines

Submission guidelines

Mashallah News aims at promoting a critical engagement with the Middle East by introducing under-exposed perspectives on the region. We share stories about the lives of particular people, first-person accounts of events, meditations on songs, books, films and artworks — diverse narratives which invite our audience to think in new ways.

We welcome submissions on a rolling basis: written contributions in the form of creative non-fiction, photo and video submissions, artistic work, investigative journalism and experimental prose.

We’re not looking for didactic submissions with claims to authority, nor attempts to define the region — we simply want to offer under-exposed, lesser known and alternative perspectives and get people to find some of the region’s hidden corners through them.

We recommend potential contributors to first send a short pitch along with a biography and samples of previously published work. Get in touch with the editorial team on info[@]

Submissions can be in English, Arabic, French or Turkish, and should preferably be between between 500 and 2,000 words. At the moment, given that we’re a project run by mainly voluntary means, we are not able to pay for regular features.

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