Without cassettes there wouldn’t be CDs

80s pop culture in Jeddah


Lamman is an Arabic word which means “back then.” It is used to describe a moment in the past, mostly used within the hejazi dialogue.

This year, the 29 graduating students and the exhibition committee of the Graphic Design program at Jeddah’s Dar Al-Hekma chose to pay tribute to the 80s pop culture, specifically that of Saudi Arabia. The link with these graduates is a recognition that the design elements of that time are what inspire the creations of them today.

The essence of the 80s pop culture is represented figuratively as a similarity between the 80s era designs and today’s designs, something that is presented in the graduates’ work. The theme intends to give the audience a feeling of reminiscence by bringing back popular icons and products from their childhood years, which have inspired the work of designers and how we relate to it today.

Although we are now at a much more sophisticated level in the design industry, it is always important to look back at the short history of the field in the region. We should  appreciate the craftsmanship that went into design at that time, considering the tools available back then. It is also noteworthy how quick time changes design and trends.

In order for the audience to get the best of both worlds, the presentation of the theme combines elements of the Arab pop culture with a modern aesthetic which is suitable for a 21st century visually sophisticated audience. The 80s theme also plays a role in changing perspectives: what was only recently a standard is now considered vintage, a treasure that is rarely seen or experienced.

Without a cassette there wouldn’t be a CD.

Without a TV there wouldn’t be plasma screens.

Without the computers there wouldn’t be iMacs.

Without 80s designs, we wouldn’t be today’s designers.

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