
Le couffin et la gamelle
«Le Couffin et la Gamelle» rend hommage aux prisonniers d’opinion. Cette pièce politique est l’une des premières conçues après la Révolution.

‘Birdy’ made in Tunis
A scene from the 1985 Alan Parker cult movie? No – Le Couffin et la Gamelle, one the very first political plays written after the Tunisian revolution.

Dans la ville blanche
Le premier web-documentaire du genre au Maroc
Dans la ville blanche, un web-documentaire de Zara Samiry, nous livre des portraits de Casablancais lambda, ouled chaâb (enfants du peuple) comme on les appelle ici.

In the white city
A web documentary by Zara Samiry
Zara Samiry is a reserved 20-year-old photographer from Casablanca. Her web documentary “In the White City”, paints a portrait of the children of the people.

A metro for Gaza
Unveiling the underground
Underground tunnels are famous in Gaza. One artist believes they are also its future — as an underground metro.

Le printemps algérien confisqué
C’est en plein automne qu’a fleuri douloureusement le premier «printemps arabe». En Octobre 1988 en Algérie. Il s’est terminé par des cris et du sang quelques années plus tard.

The Algerian spring in October
It was fall when the first Arab Spring painfully blossomed. It was fall when the first Arab Spring painfully blossomed. This was in Algeria, in October 1988, and ended with bloodshed a few years later. The October Riots was probably the most significant event since the country’s independence in 1962. To this day, no political […]
Métropole aux mille visages
Dans Casablanca, figures et scènes métropolitaines, on découvre 20 témoignages sur les gens et les lieux qui font la ville. Autant de facettes qui coexistent.
A city of a thousand faces
In “Casablanca, People and City Scenes”, 20 people write on the people and places that make the city. A big number of facets coexist within their stories.

Egypt: Literature and revolution
Egyptian writers were part of the pre-revolutionary ferment of the past 10 years, contributing to the emergence of a discourse critical of reality.
- Abby Sewell
- Abraham Zeitoun
- Adlène Meddi
- Afrah Nasser
- Alaa Balkhy
- Alessandra Bajec
- Alex Shams
- Alexander Christie-Miller
- Ali al-Ghazzawi
- Ali Hosseini
- Ali Taptık
- Alia Haju
- Amani Massoud
- Amro Ali
- Amro Okacha
- Andrea Olea
- Antonia Roupell
- Arnaud Contreras
- Asher Kohn
- Assem Hendawi
- Aude Thepenier
- Azita Houshiar
- Babelmed
- Basmah Felemban
- Brady NG
- Burak Taşdizen
- Caglar Kanzik
- Camille Abele
- Camille Leprince
- Carole Filiu
- Cassandra Tavukciyan
- Charlotte Bank
- Chloe Benoist
- Cihan Tekay
- Claudia Willmitzer
- Clément Girardot
- Conor Sreenan
- Constance Proux
- Correspondents
- Culinary Backstreets
- Cyril Dériaz
- Dania Al Husseini
- Danna Lorch
- Diala Gemayel
- Dilan Ayyıldız
- Doha Adi
- Ehsan Mirhoseyni
- Ella Wind
- Elturan Mammadov
- Emily Mourad Hanna
- Emre Şahin
- Eva Parey
- Farah Aridi
- Farea Al-Muslimi
- Farida Khalil
- Farshid Tighehsaz
- Farzaneh Bahrami
- Fatemeh Kavandi
- Fatih Pinar
- Fatih Tuncer
- Fatima Alhaji
- Félicité de Maupeou
- François Huguet
- Frederique Cifuentes
- Fullah Almajhula
- Gabriel Luis Manga
- Gary Grabli
- George Richards
- Ghadir Hamadi
- Gianluca Solera
- Giedre Steikunaite
- Gözde Kazaz
- Graham Liddell
- Gregory Dziedzic
- Habib Battah
- Haitham Alsarraf
- Hammoud Emjedel
- Hani Naim
- Hania Mourtada
- Hass Re-Volt
- Hassan Darsi
- Hatice Utkan
- Hawraa Adnan
- Hind Mezaina
- Hira Nabi
- Hussein El Hajj Hassan
- Ibrahim Nehme
- Ines Abdel Razek
- Isaac Oomen
- Isabelle Mayault
- Ismaël Abdallah
- Ivana Perić
- Jaad Gaillet
- Jad Baaklini
- Jadaliyya
- Jamal Penjweny
- Jay Cassano
- Jeffrey Gibbs
- Jenny Gustafsson
- JoAnna Pollonais
- Joanne Lisinska
- Joey Ayoub
- Joobin Bekhrad
- Josef Burton
- Joshua Allen
- Josselin Brémaud
- Joudy El-Asmar
- Julia Neumann
- Julien Pebrel
- Juliette Rabat
- Julius Matuschik
- Kais Zriba
- Karim Mostafa
- Katherine Long
- Kaveh Rostamkhani
- Kaya Genç
- Khalid Mezaina
- Kürşat Bayhan
- La revue de Téhéran
- Laetitia Lopez-Laraqui
- Lara Fresko
- Lara Tabet
- Larissa Araz
- Laurence Gnanguenon
- Layla Yammine
- Leeor Ohayon
- Liana Aghajanian
- Libalel
- Lilah Khoja
- Malek Khadhraoui
- Manzar Samii
- Marcia Lynx Qualey
- Margaret Scarborough
- Marianna Francese
- Marianne Roux
- Marie-Jeanne Berger
- Marie-Josée Daoud
- Marine Casalis
- Marion Guenard
- Marisol Rifai
- Martin Roux
- Matt Hanson
- McN
- Mélanie Matarese
- Melike Akova
- Mher Krikorian
- Micheline Tobia
- Miguel Soffia
- Mike Chevreuil
- Mohamed Samih Beji Okkaz
- Mohja Kahf
- Mustafa Saeed
- Mutlu Yetkin
- Myriam Amri
- Naila Missous
- Najwa Monique
- Naziha Arebi
- Nehme Jameli
- Nektaria Petrou
- Nesrine Dahmoun
- Nevin Öztop
- Nicolas Brodard
- Niloofar Sanandaji
- Nina Hubinet
- Niqash
- Nousha Kabawat
- Obaid Allah
- Övgü Ülgen
- Paola Salwan Daher
- Pascal Zoghbi
- Paul Benjamin Osterlund
- Paul Farrell
- Pauline Beugnies
- Pedro Barakat
- Philipp Breu
- Philippine Proux
- Priyanka Sacheti
- Rachida Ouar
- Rami Abdelrahman
- Rana Jarbou
- Raphaël Khouri
- Rasmus Bogeskov Larsen
- Rayan Sukkar
- Rehan Miskci
- Richard Pelgrim
- Rima Bugaighis
- Riyam Kafri AbuLaban
- Roubina Margossian
- Rustin Zarkar
- Sabry Khaled
- Sabyl Ghoussoub
- Salim Salamah
- Sam McNeil
- Samar Hazboun
- Samar Yazbek
- Samih Mahmoud
- Sana Sbouai
- Sandra Rishani
- Sarah Baba
- Sarah Essbai
- Sarah Khazem
- Sarah Lily Yassine
- Sarah Moawad
- Sedef Özge
- Senga
- Shaida Ghomashchi
- Sophie Chamas
- Svetlana Eremina
- Tala Abu Rahmeh
- Tamara Qiblawi
- Tilia Korpe
- Tinda Meuse
- Tine Lavent
- Vincent Cuny
- Vishnu Pasupathy
- Youssef Rakha